
We have been sheltering rejected refugees in our own houses in Eindhoven since the 1990s. At the moment, we have about 30 accomodations available. We offer shelter based on the basic principle that it is impossible to work on prospects when living on the streets. We thus offer rejected refugees a safe place, where they can work on a sustainable future in the Netherlands, a third country, or their country of origin. We offer these refugees intensive socio-legal counselling.

To qualify for shelter at VidK, we ask rejected refugees and/or their contact persons to send an e-mail, with their complete record attached, to

In addition to our own accomodations, we also run the Eindhoven municipality’s reception-project for rejected refugees. Rejected refugees who have a regional connection with the municipality of Eindhoven can make use of the Bed, Bath, Bread and Counselling (BBBB) services. The principle of the BBBB is to connect clients to existing shelter facilities, and to use their own strengths and networks. Therefore, a large part of the sheltering concerns facilitating support within the client’s own network by means of weekly living allowance and the provision of counselling. In case the client does not have their own network, we also welcome people in our accomodations, or the municipality will accommodate people in their 24-hour shelter.